So what are the advantages to writing outside my usual box?
Firstly it gives my imagination a new place to roam, and enables me to tackle a whole new vein of research. A more modern novel demands different types of dialogue and a closer adherance to the way people behave now. In earlier times punishments were written large - death by burning or hanging, arguments could be settled by the sword or by the gun. In more modern times punishments can be loss of freedom, arguments settled by the tongue. The earlier periods were often (though not always) a more magnified version of our current times. A more modern novel has to scale these down to create a believable society.
So I am enjoying these new challenges, and working on a period which is just within living memory.
But it's not all work and no play.

I enjoyed meeting fellow writers, and I'm looking forward to meeting more - this time in America at The Historical Novel Society Conference I have been invited to appear on two panels ('Making it to Mainstream' about my unusual route to publication, and 'The Virtual Salon' about how blogging can link writers with readers). If anyone is going to the conference, particularly if you have read my books or are a fan of the 17th century, please come and say hello. Or you could rescue my husband who as yet does not know what he is letting himself in for!
More News:
Short Story Success!
My short story, 'A Dog's Life' was shortlisted for the Historical Novel society short story award. The good news is, the HNS are going to publish all twelve stories in an anthology, to be made available soon as a Kindle book.Watch this space!
The Gilded Lily, out now in the USA.
The Gilded Lily, out now in the USA.
The Gilded Lily was selected as one of the '13 must reads in 2013' by Good Morning Texas TV programme.